The fabulous musical based on ‘Pygmalion’ by George Bernard Shaw tells the rags to riches story of Eliza Doolittle, a cockney flower girl who takes speech lessons from professor Henry Higgins.
Colonel Pickering places a bet with Higgins, that Eliza will be unable to pass as refined victorian lady, but she successfully fools everyone including young aristocrat, Freddy Eynsford who falls in love with her.
We have a wonderful selection of quality victorian style clothes suitable for this production. From the poor flower girl to refined lady, we have costumes for ladies and gents and children, in all sizes.

Ideal for Ascot scene
Skirt, blouse, hat, bag, parasol
Skirt, blouse, hat, parasol, choker and lace gloves
Black and white dresses for the Ascot scene
Lots of choice of black and white dresses, skirts and blouses for the Ascot scene, with matching gloves, spectacular hats and parasols.
Grey top hat and tails
Grey top hat and tail suits with morning trousers for the gents in all sizes.
We are happy to hire Individual costumes or a whole cast of adults, youth theatre or schools.