A popular choice for panto shows and a chance to use some wonderfully coloured chinese style costumes and flamboyant genie headresses and shoes.

Brown suedette top and pantaloon trousers with white sleeveless over-jacket with gold trim

Yellow polyester chinese style tunics with black trousers

Burgundy silk chinese dress

Chinese wooden soled flip flops and black hat with pom pom

Black shift robe with purple woollen cloak with hood and genie headress

Gold headress with jewels and yellow feathers

Black and gold jacket with gold crown

size 10 silver shoes with jewelled buckle detail

Purple kimon with black pom pom hat

Red silk chinese wrap around jacket with black pom pom hat

Genie lamp

Elasicated bun
White nylon dress (44 bust) with sequinned detail, worn with chinese stke over jacket with silver trim
Aladdin - Square Drama
Kimono and chinese dress
Square Drama Circle
Square Drama Circle

Tattoo vest, brocade waistcoat, hat, sash and ballon trousers

Balloon trousers, tattoo vest, gold brocade waistcoat, large buckle belt, helmet

Trousers and top with cape

Black tunic, sash and turban

Ballon trousers, sequin boob tube, feather boa, mask
Aladdin Flyer Download