We have some excellent stylised jackets and tailcoats suitable for soldiers and sailors in pantomime or for lavish opera and Gilbert and Sullivan productions.
Over the top military style coats for brigadiers, colonels, generals and captains with roping and medals suitable for comedy like Allo Allo, Blackadder Goes Forth and pantomime soldiers.

Military inspired rainbow tailcoat
This item is also available for purchase 59333
This item is also available for purchase 59333

White tunic with braiding and epaulettes
The Gondoliers
Need gondolier costumes? and regency style frock coats for the conquistador. A great selection of costumes are available in store in a range of sizes
Pirates of Penzance
candy striped dresses for Mabel, Isabel or chorus
Frock coat and waistcoat with braid
Police tunic and helmet
White military jacket and epaulettes, pith helmet
Pirates of the Curry Bean
Pirate style jackets with lots of gold buttons and braiding in sizes for both adults and children which are great for school and youth productions